For the complete list of our NSF Certified products, please visit the Hydronix Water Technology page on the official NSF website:
Band Clamp Multi Round Filter Housings
HYDROSCIENTIFIC™ MRH / MRHS SERIES – MULTI ROUND BAND CLAMP FILTER HOUSINGS are ideal for most industrial/commercial applications with our welded leg design as a standard, (not ”optional”) feature, we eliminate the added expense to your application. MRH/MRHS Band Clamp Housings are commonly used for pre-filtration for Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, food service, car washes, agriculture and many other uses.
HYDROSCIENTIFIC™ MRH / MRHS SERIES – MULTI ROUND BAND CLAMP FILTER HOUSINGS are made with a high grade 304 or 316 Stainless Steel as standard and accept a wide range of filter cartridges.